Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Leonard Eats the Bugs In Our Rice

THIS  is our house guest, Leonard

APPARENTLY he's not dead after all.... and perhaps I know what he eats now too....

So I was going to make Lockey and I sticky rice for dinner (I know sticky rice and bananas is supposed to be a dessert or a breakfast.... but if you eat it for dinner then you're still getting your rice, as well as your sweets, and then you don't have to double up on calories... the best part of dinner is dessert anyways isn't it?)  and I grabbed the bag of rice off of our shelf (you know the pantry above our bed?)  And poured it into my pot.....

When I looked down I saw a bug in it.  A little brown bug.  So I tried to pinch him, but the rice was in the way, and then all of a sudden I saw 2 bugs!  TWO BUGS in my rice... two bugs is nothin, I looked in the bag and I saw 4 just at the top, and 2 crawling OUT of the bag!  Ummmm Yuck?!?!? How did they get into my sealed bag of rice?  And why did I hesitate to throw it out?  Seriously, was there even a question?  I guess I didn't want to waste an almost full bag of sticky rice... So I've got some Romeril in me.  

I chucked the bag of rice.  And then I checked my regular rice for bugs... NO BUGS!  so we had our sticky rice (that wasn't so sticky, but still coconutty banana deliciousness) after all.  Sans bugs of course.

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