Friday, October 14, 2011

Dear Mom and Dad....

Hey Parents! Thought I would let you know that we are in Tokyo now!  Yay!  We almost didn't make it.  We set 2 alarms for 4:45am, and I kept waking up in the night worrying that we wouldn't wake up, so I woke up and checked my phone and it was 3:30 and then I woke up at 4:15ish and 4:30 then i woke up at 4:58.... and my alarm hadn't gone off... And neither had Lockeys. His generally isn't very reliable anyways, but mine is, so we checked his ipad and it said 6:58.... ya, his time was right and mine was not!  He had updated the software on my phone the night before and it changed my timezone back to Denver.... so my phone was telling me it was 3PM not am.... CRAP!  so we got up over 2 hours later than planned!  our flight left at 8:25, so we got up and dressed and panicked and RAN to get a taxi to take us to the train, and he said he could get us there faster

Racing to the Airport! 
So we let him take us, and we got to the airport at 7:40, and found our ticket counter by 7:45 and panicked I just ran up and told them, we're going to Japan! We're so late! And they helped us w/ our tickets and walked us through security and to our gate and we got there for last boarding call.... I was so worried!  but we made it!

Boarding the plane
And got royal treatment, and we had our own tv screens on the plane and it was great!  but stressful... I would definitely fly Delta again, they were good to us!  Anyways, we are in Tokyo and had some dinner.

Our first meal, we bought it at a vending machine... Well it spits our your dinner ticket! 

Some Miso, noodles and such

Some delicious fish balls, I was a bigger fan than Lock b/c there was plenty of dough on them! Yum! (made by the guy in the kiosk in the background w/ the wicked hat!)
We found the hooker street w/ all the gentlemens clubs and guys w/ wires to their ears and suits, and well... hookers....

Inappropriate street central... (Well one of several)

A less scandalous street closer to our hotel and the train station
And we found a lovely park, and the weather is AWESOME, and it rained, and the leaves smelt delish!  The people are SO friendly and helpful when they can be (when there isn't a language barrier)... So we really like it so far!  And tomorrow morning we are off to the Tsukiji Fish Market for breakfast and Sushi.... (its only open till 1 b/c then they clean it up for the next day everything starts at 3 in the morning and they have famous tuna auctions w/ 200 Kg tunas being sold for $100 000.00, crazy right?)  Well we'll let you know how everything goes!  Love you lots!
Miss Camilla!

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